Here are the methods you can use to make payments. Once you have made the payment, please email us at to confirm that the payment has been made and which method was used. In the email, please include your child’s name (if applicable). Thank you!

1. Zelle (preferred)

  • Use Zelle to send payment to (Be sure to check the spelling (one C, two Ps, two Ls, and two As in the middle).

  • In the Memo line, please designate funds (i.e. application fee, donation, tuition) and include your child’s name (if applicable).

  • (Optional: Scan our Zelle QR Code with your Bank app)

2. PayPal (fees attached)

  • Log in to your account.

  • Click “send money” and send to Be sure to check the spelling (one C, two Ps, two Ls, and two As in the middle).

  • Since PayPal charges fees on our end, we need you to cover those fees if you choose to use PayPal (the other payment methods are free for us to receive). Please add 2.9% + $0.30 to the amount that you are paying and enter that combined total in the ‘amount’ box. Check the “goods and services” button and you should be good to go!

  • In the subject line of the payment message, please designate funds (i.e. application fee, donation, tuition) and include your child’s name (if applicable).

3. Mail a check

  • Please make Checks Payable To: A Cappella Academy

  • In Memo Line: include the purpose of your payment and participant’s name

  • Mail the check to:

    A Cappella Academy
    PMB 3101
    201 E Center St, Suite 112
    Anaheim, CA 92805

4. Wire transfer (you are responsible for fee)

  • You may send a bank wire transfer using the information below:

  • Sponsor Bank + Address:
    U.S. Bank
    200 South Sixth St.
    Minneapolis, MN 55401

  • Routing Number:

  • Account Name + Number:
    A Cappella Academy